Viruses To The New World Order

The War on Terror. The War on Invisible Viruses. The Wars against Foreign Aggressors. The War against Racism. The War against Sexism. The War against the Patriarchy. The War on the Weather.

The welfare of humanity is always the alibi of tyrants

Note there is no war on the hordes of invading illegal aliens, mostly men, invading our country.

Why do you think the vast majority of illegal aliens now invading all of our borders are young fighting-age men from countries with LOTs of anti-American angst?

Yes, these foreign mercenaries and soldiers of fortune, terrorists and extremists, anarchists and agitators, criminals and convicts, drug dealers and mules, rebels and revolutionaries, insurgents and insurrectionists are also being transported to all of the sanctuary cities and states to create overwhelming chaos, confusion, and conflict via rampant and violent criminal activity.  But that is only the preliminary stage of this NWO-inspired revolution necessary to soften up and scare the local populations, just as the bankster-funded bolsheviks did in Russia prior to the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.


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