All Roads Lead Back To Babel

America is the Train that is taking us there.

Wyoming Gov. Mark Gordon reportedly forced one of the state’s leading radiologists to resign from the Wyoming Board of Medicine because of the doctor’s public support for a law banning hormonal and surgical procedures for minors with gender dysphoria.

Dr. Eric Cubin, one of the top radiologists in Casper, was pressured to resign after the Republican governor stated he was planning to remove him from the board, according to an April 22 letter to Cubin from the governor obtained by Cowboy State Daily.

GOP gov. forces doctor who supported banning sex changes for minors from medical board


‘Every day is hetero day. They’re not a marginalized group, they’re the norm. I don’t care if you are glad you’re straight but pointing out your hetersexuality [sic] during gay pride month is an affront, is othering and creates separation and discord,’ she wrote.

Others hinted at the possibility that any man who decides to come to Old State Saloon on Monday were possibly in the closet.

‘Whoever wrote this post is so deep in the closet they’re having adventures in Narnia with Liberace and Mercury,’ one person wrote.

Idaho bar sparks fury for declaring  June ‘Heterosexual Awesomeness Month’


Freedom of Information Act documents obtained by Judicial Watch and purport to show that the U.S. Air Force has used taxpayer money to promote drag shows, drag queen story hours and other LGBT pride events for military personnel and their children.

US Air Force promoted drag events on military bases, internal documents show


The city of Philadelphia has set a new Guinness World Record for having the “largest attendance at a drag queen story time reading” in honor of LGBTQ Pride Month, the organizers said.

Philadelphia Sets Largest ‘Drag Queen Story Time’ Guinness World Record


Who doesn’t know that the C.I.A. has been pulling off color revolutions around the world practically since it was established in 1947?

Well, it was only a matter of time before the very same subversive acts of outright sedition were used against the American people by the US Government.  And so they have been, especially since the false flag 9/11 terrorist attacks which were perpetrated by the Bush Administration, U.S. Intelligence Community, U.S. Armed Forces, and various other organs of the U.S. Federal Government including the CIA’s Mockingbird Media.

AMERICA’S COLOR REVOLUTION — Brought To You By The U.S. Intelligence Community & Coming To A City Near You


Here in America, we’ve seen the deliberate importation of millions of so-called “migrants” flooding our borders — our southern border has been most visible, but make no mistake, the northern border is just as open, as are our west and east coastlines. We’re literally being invaded on all sides, and the majority of those coming to this country illegally are not seeking refuge; very few sincerely desire to become American citizens. Most are here as enemy combatants, even as we see them enter our country waving the flags of the countries they are supposedly “escaping” from.

Yearning For the Good Old COVID Years

Once upon a time, America was a Christian nation.  I know that many on the left cringe when they read a statement like that, but it is true.  For most of our history, the population of the United States was overwhelmingly Christian, and the values that governed our society were primarily Christian values.  But of course everything has changed in recent decades.  When Barack Obama boldly declared that “we do not consider ourselves a Christian nation” in 2009, he was speaking the truth.  We are no longer a Christian nation and we haven’t been for a very long time.  So if we aren’t a Christian nation at this point, what exactly are we?

Is America Becoming An Anti-Christ Nation?


If not stopped, on November 17th, the U.S. government will pass a rule that allows for America’s protected lands, including parks and wildlife refuges, to be listed on the N.Y. Stock Exchange. Natural Asset Companies (NACs) will be owned, managed, and traded by companies like BlackRock, Vanguard, and even China.

Everything will be monetized and measured and traded, even you.


Live by the Diversity, die by the Diversity.

Do you have your Arc, who is Christ?

Say something