Nobody Likes You

The 50-year Petrodollar era between Saudi Arabia and the United States has ended. The emergence of the Chinese yuan as a challenger to the dollar’s dominance raises interest.

Reports from foreign media and industry sources on the 14th reveal that the Petrodollar agreement between Saudi Arabia and the United States expired on the 9th. This is due to Saudi Arabia’s decision not to renew the agreement.

In 1974, the two countries entered a Petrodollar agreement, using only dollars for oil payments, while the United States assumed responsibility for Saudi Arabia’s security.

Oil-producing countries in the Middle East, which supply oil globally, established the so-called Petrodollar recycling mechanism by reinvesting dollars in U.S. Treasury bonds and financial markets. This process further solidified the Petrodollar system, reinforcing the status of the U.S. dollar as a reserve currency and securing the power to control the global oil market.

Saudi Arabia Chooses Chinese Yuan Over US Dollar: Global Markets React

How dare they! Who do they think they are? The USA of Gay and Multi-Flavored Gender Bending is the Boss of the World!

We will bribe you with Billions of $$$. We will put you in debt and rape your resources. We will sanction you. We will freeze you assets. And not only will we sanction and freeze your assets, we will give your money to someone else. We are the Boss of you! We own the world with our Reserve Currency! You will obey!

The rest of the world coming around to… Who in the hell does the USA of Gay think it is?

Before you go bitching and moaning AmeriKa… look beyond USA! USA! USA! and pull out the fucking Hyperion from your eyes.

You realize, don’t you, that everything going on around the Ukraine fiasco on the NATO side is completely insane? The folks running the US government — Barack Obama and his witches’ coven — started the whole thing over there in concert with a gang of corporate players (BlackRock, sundry oil-and-gas companies, Haliburton types, arms-makers, bunch of big banks), plus the dastardly WEF for “guidance” (ha!), looking to grab the mineral wealth of Ukraine and, ultimately, of Russia itself. Nice try. Didn’t work out. Tons of money pounded down a rat hole.

The ultimate flex for psychopaths

Nato is in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons in the face of a growing threat from Russia and China, the head of the alliance has said.

Jens Stoltenberg added that the bloc must show its nuclear arsenal to the world to send a direct message to its foes in an interview with The Telegraph.

He revealed there were live consultations between members on taking missiles out of storage and placing them on standby as he called for transparency to be used as a deterrent.

Nato in talks to deploy more nuclear weapons

The Russia-Ukraine conflict has shown that today’s warfare necessitates controlling public opinion by dictating what information is made available to people, the French Army’s chief of staff has stated.

In lockstep

“The Peace Summit”

Seriously, I think there is a lot of homo favors going on between Zelenskyy and the West.

The… Nose.

While the West rots in self-imposed hatred and filth…

Say something