Are You Ready To Die For Biden And His Nitwits?

The United States is telling foreign countries their economy will be Sanctioned (and thereby destroyed) by the US, if they continue processing normal payments to and from Russia.

Said one source in the Russian government “If faced with the actual and intentional killing of Russia’s economy, Russia would have no choice but to kill the countries doing this.  We are completely capable of doing exactly that.”

So that no one can buy or sell

All true:

It was the United States that fomented, facilitated and financed the forcible, violent overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically-elected President, Viktor Yanukovich, in the year 2014.

It was the United States that rejected Russia’s numerous Diplomatic Efforts to avoid war.

It is the United States that controls all of NATO . . .  none of them dare disagree-with or refuse U.S. instructions.

The United States is the key instigator of all this trouble, and now, it is the United States that is literally KILLING the economy of Russia.

Americans don’t get it. The USA of Degenerates won’t be happy until it turns Russia into a land of degenerate homosexuals and transgenders, and rapes Russia’s resources.

And you will do what we say, or we will sanction you, confiscate your assets, ruin your economy, using the worlds reserve currency banking system, if you don’t sanction Russia with our sanctions.

Ya know, America is sick, demonic, as are most of its people… including many of the so-called American Christians.


Satan shed his love is love and do what you will on thee!

Imagine living in Ukraine, just going about your business, and then suddenly you are kidnapped off the street, thrown into a bus, van, or car, and taken away… and then a week later, you are thrown into the Russian Meat Grinder.

Here, Here, and Here.

And then… if you have the stomach.

Now, imagine the USA of Satan Worshipers sending American Boys and Girls into this, and imagine it X’s a Thousand. There will be no mercy on Americans. Are you of draft age?

Fucking little faggot cunt…


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