A Slow Plunge

May 24, 2024: Victoria Nuland Calls For Serious Escalation With Russia

For the SECOND TIME, Ukraine drones hit a radar of Russia’s nuclear early warning system, and attempted to shoot a THIRD one, with Moscow expecting a fourth radar station to be hit as well. The attack upon a SECOND Over-The-Horizon radar inside Russia is an extremely worrying development because it is clearly being done not for Ukraine defense, but rather as a NATO destabilization of the combat command and control system of Russian strategic nuclear forces.

SECOND Russian Nuclear Missile Warning Radar Hit By Ukraine – Also an attempt to hit a THIRD!

Look, there is absolutely no military value for Ukraine, using NATO weapons, to strike Russia’s over-the-horizon-radar early warning systems. The ONLY ones who benefit is USA/NATO of Gay Globohomo.

Can We Stop With The BS?

The US-led NATO bloc has not only been directly involved in a confrontation with Russia but is now falling into “wartime ecstasy,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. He was speaking in response to the military bloc’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg advocating the removal of restrictions on use of Western weaponry by Ukraine.

NATO is flirting with warlike rhetoric, falling into wartime ecstasy

How deep can USA/NATO of Gay plunge the knife before Russia reacts?

Victoria Nuland Calls For Serious Escalation With Russia

One of Russia’s absolutely key over-the-horizon, nuclear-early-warning radar sites has been hit by drone attack, BLINDING Russia from missiles launched at them from . . .  the Middle East.

Of course, this is being credited to Ukraine, but the radar stations that were hit DO NOT COVER UKRAINE.  Clearly, this hit was concocted by the US/EU and NATO; they are the ONLY entities that benefit from this. (Correction: There is another beneficiary . . .  Israel . . .  can now launch ballistic or nuclear missiles at Iran, and Russia will not be able to warn Iran.)

Russia Early-Warning (Nuclear) Missile Radar ATTACKED

The West continues to escalate its discourse against Russia. Recently, former US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland stated that Kiev should bomb Russian deep territory with NATO weapons. According to her, Washington should allow Kiev to carry out such attacks with American weapons, which shows the advanced level of bellicosity reached by the backers of the neo-Nazi regime.

As well known, Victoria Nuland is one of the main American public figures behind the Kiev regime. She was one of the leading strategists during the 2014 Maidan coup d’état and the subsequent policy of Nazification and de-Russification of Ukraine. Her recent renunciation from the State Department was seen by experts around the world as a sign of desperation, given the imminent collapse of the Ukrainian army.

It is no surprise that Nuland is making such pronouncements

U.S. Favors More Escalation In Ukraine, Gaza

Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal

They Do Want War

They’re working on a perfect false-flag.

The West wants war DESPERATELY with Russia. The Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has come straight out and admitted on Friday, March 8th, that “NATO military personnel are already present in Ukraine.” They can’t wait to draw the first blood. Russia has NEVER had any intention of invading Europe. It has always been the other way around. This entire war was staged from the outset and was intended to force Russia to defend its own people in the Donbas. The West needs this war because the financial system can no longer be sustained. Governments default when they can no longer sell new debt to pay off the old. We are dangerously approaching that, and the war will be the excuse for default, like in World War II.

Poland Confirms Nato Troops are in Ukraine

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.

Previously, the Minsk agreement, which Merkel signed together with then-French President François Hollande, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin in September 2014, had been portrayed as an effort towards peace that the Russian president had allegedly later thwarted.

Now, Merkel confirms that NATO wanted war from the start but needed time to prepare militarily—an assessment WSWS has long held.

Former German Chancellor Merkel admits the Minsk agreement was merely to buy time for Ukraine’s arms build-up

Time? Time for what?

It astounds me how many times Western Globohomo can spit in the faces of their subjects and get away with it.

And… but of course there are NATO troops in Ukraine. There have been NATO troops in Ukraine since the Euromaiden Coup. They didn’t suddenly all leave when Russia said enough.

Massive Propaganda: Examine this video very carefully.

If you are an emotional type, you will fall for it.

And then we have Michael McFaul , former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, 2012-2014.

Propaganda isn’t hard. Most people are emotional twats. Appeal to their emotions.

Oh Noes

US Army says it will RUN OUT of money to protect Europe and Africa by May if Ukraine aid isn’t approved

But… but… why?

The U.S. military is currently diverting money meant for operations in Europe and Africa to assist Ukraine


I have an idea! Stop diverting money to Ukraine! See? Isn’t that easy?

Meanwhile, in Hungary:

Hungary does not need a lecture from the United States, says Foreign Minister Szijjártó

America… the biggest busy-body in the world.

You can feel it for Hungary too…

So, whatever happened to that serious Russian military threat that has leaders scrambling?

Ah. Right. Putin murdered Navalny in a Russian prison because he was such a threat in a Russian prison who happen to be murdered the same day his wife was to speak…

Yulia Navalnaya, wife of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, attends the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, on Feb. 16, on the day it was announced that Alexei Navalny had died.

What a coincidence!

Because Putin had everything to gain!

Anyone in the West who believes this utterly insane fantasy needs to consider how desperate the Western powers, who are set to lose so much in Ukraine, are to inflict any kind of damage, at any price, on Russia, there’s a name for this.

Utter Desperation

Ukraine, What is the End-Game? The Privatization of An Entire Country.

The Victoria Nulands and the Ursula Von Der Leyens of this world represent people who refuse to accept that Russia and/or China are not systems, but rather civilizations. They aren’t the current bogeyman ‘ism du jour, like Communism or authoritarianism, they are a people, a culture, an ethnos. The ‘ism is just the thing they’ve adopted now to help them preserve those things inherently Russian or Chinese.

So, logically, none of Russia’s demands are valid

The Vladimir Putin Interview – Part One

The Vladimir Putin Interview – Part Two

How dare Russia not multi-flavor gender-bend! How dare Russia not allow us to corrupt their children and bend to our will! How dare Russia not let us so corrupt their society, their people, so we can walk all over them and rape their resources!