Are You Ready To Die For Biden And His Nitwits?

The United States is telling foreign countries their economy will be Sanctioned (and thereby destroyed) by the US, if they continue processing normal payments to and from Russia.

Said one source in the Russian government “If faced with the actual and intentional killing of Russia’s economy, Russia would have no choice but to kill the countries doing this.  We are completely capable of doing exactly that.”

So that no one can buy or sell

All true:

It was the United States that fomented, facilitated and financed the forcible, violent overthrow of Ukraine’s democratically-elected President, Viktor Yanukovich, in the year 2014.

It was the United States that rejected Russia’s numerous Diplomatic Efforts to avoid war.

It is the United States that controls all of NATO . . .  none of them dare disagree-with or refuse U.S. instructions.

The United States is the key instigator of all this trouble, and now, it is the United States that is literally KILLING the economy of Russia.

Americans don’t get it. The USA of Degenerates won’t be happy until it turns Russia into a land of degenerate homosexuals and transgenders, and rapes Russia’s resources.

And you will do what we say, or we will sanction you, confiscate your assets, ruin your economy, using the worlds reserve currency banking system, if you don’t sanction Russia with our sanctions.

Ya know, America is sick, demonic, as are most of its people… including many of the so-called American Christians.


Satan shed his love is love and do what you will on thee!

Imagine living in Ukraine, just going about your business, and then suddenly you are kidnapped off the street, thrown into a bus, van, or car, and taken away… and then a week later, you are thrown into the Russian Meat Grinder.

Here, Here, and Here.

And then… if you have the stomach.

Now, imagine the USA of Satan Worshipers sending American Boys and Girls into this, and imagine it X’s a Thousand. There will be no mercy on Americans. Are you of draft age?

Fucking little faggot cunt…


You Cannot Make A Deal With It

If you are a Christian, a real one and not a worshipper of Israel, you can understand what has happened to us in terms of Satan squeezing the good out of Western civilization and replacing it with evil.

When I challenge this thought, I am confronted by the facts that it wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who on the basis of totally false accusations overthrew the governments in Iraq and Libya and murdered the leaders. It wasn’t Russia, China, and Iran who tried to do the same in Afghanistan and Syria. It is not Russia, China and Iran who are providing the bombs and aircraft and money and diplomatic cover to Israel to exterminate the Palestinians.

It is not the Russians, Chinese, and Iranians who are provoking more war.

It is Washington and its EU Empire.

If you consider the bare-faced facts, it is evil flowing from the Western World that is operating in the world.


The West no longer rests on a Western culture. It rests on sexual perversion and the promotion by governments, corporations, and universities of transgenderism and critical race theory. Western nations have been replaced with Sodom and Gomorrah and towers of babel. Enemies are necessary to justify the US military/security complex’s massive budget and power. The more enemies the larger the budget and power.

Evil Is Now the Dominant Power in the Western World


It’s mind boggling watching conservatives make deals with the devil.

It’s just as mind boggling watching Trump making bargains with the devil while Trumpites turn a blind eye and/or make excuses for it.

Rapidly Running Out Of Time

We in the West are solely and exclusively to blame for this, and as such, we in the West will likely be hit first and hardest when the war involving us, begins.  Why will we be hit hardest?  Here’s why:

We overthrew Ukraine’s democratically-elected Government in 2014.  We fomented, financed, and facilitated that overthrow. Victoria Nuland of the US State Department admitted in an intercepted call that we spent “$5 Billion” to do it.

We installed a pro-West “puppet” government in Ukraine.

We attended the “Minsk Conference” to bring peace back to Ukraine in 2014 – and even signed the Minsk Agreement to do exactly that  —  only to find out after the Russia-Ukraine war began, that then-French President Francois Hollande, and then-German Chancellor Angela Merkel committed willful fraud.  They both publicly admitted on TV interviews they signed the Minsk Agreement knowing Ukraine would NOT uphold **any** of the terms, but signed the agreement anyway “to buy time for Ukraine to arm for war with Russia.”

As such, we in the West DEFRAUDED Russia with a phony Minsk Agreement.

When Russia proposed “Iron-clad, legally enforceable, security guarantees” via Diplomatic efforts, we in the West laughed at them and threw their Proposal out.

A week or so later, when Russia made a similar proposal, they warned everyone “If we cannot obtain iron-clad, legally enforceable, security guarantees via Diplomatic means, we will achieve them by military or military-technical means.”

Russia warned everyone they would use force.  We in the West laughed.

Russia then gave Ukraine final warning: Ukraine had five hours to agree to not join NATO and not allow US missiles on Ukrainian soil.   Then-President Zelensky called the British Home Office and the US State Department, both of whom told him “ignore the ultimatum.”

Zelensky took our advice and ignored it.

When the five hours passed, Russia waited two additional hours, and then the Russian Army crossed the border into Ukraine.

We in the West have caused this entire problem; yet we have the balls to claim the Russia entry into Ukraine was “unprovoked.”  It __was__ provoked.  By us.  We are in the wrong, here.

Read the rest

So the absolute moment that one of those planes flies in from Romania or Poland, hits Russians, and flies back, the base they flew from or to, is very likely to get hit by Russia.  At that moment, NATO will screech “We’ve been attacked by Russia” and it’s all-out war.

Let’s Break Up Russia For Peace!

“I propose to divide Russia into 200 ethnic states. Russia is the largest colonial power in the world and is holding 200 ethnic states captive.” 

The official (sovereign) proposal, made by President Duda of Poland, to break-up Russia is, in and of itself, an “threat to the existence of the Russian state.” Under Russia’s public Doctrine on the use of its nuclear arsenal, this threat to the existence of the state justifies Russia using its nuclear arsenal to protect itself.

At “Peace Conference” in Switzerland, Poland **PROPOSES** Breaking-up Russia into 200 Ethnic states

So what the world sees taking place this weekend in Switzerland is, for lack of a better term, a “Circle Jerk” being carried out by Western vassals of the United States.  There seems to be no actual possibility that any peace will evolve from this mutual masturbation session.

However, given the remarks of Poland’s President Duda, it seems quite clear that things are about to get far worse – and for many other countries that have this notion about breaking-up Russia.

Let’s have a “Peace Conference”, not invite Russia, and “make peace” by threatening to breaking up Russia at the “Peace Conference”!

What they really mean…

The collective “West” has lost its mind. What do you see in this map?NATO expansion by Colonization?

Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Zelensky are planning to sign a deal for long-term US military assistance for Ukraine, a country whose government we now know is involved in the trafficking of children for sex and harvesting the organs of its own soldiers for profit.

If that sounds too sensational to be true, read on.

“We will show Putin that we are completely behind Ukraine: we will chase the money and the oil, we will stop the gas, we will stop the ships,” declared British Foreign Minister Cameron.

“We must go after everything Russian.”

Meanwhile, in France:

Holding banners that read “Liberty for all, Equality for all and Fraternity with all”, the protesters were mobilised by labour unions, student groups and NGOs to protest against the country’s anti-migration National Rally.

Protests against hard-Right turn violent in France

As some 500,000 Left-wingers marched in France’s cities yesterday, shouting anti-Fascist slogans, never had Lenin’s phrase seemed more apposite: “There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.”

France is on the brink of all-out civil conflict

You will never live side-by-side with the left peacefully. Ever. They are hell-bent on destroying the last vestiges of cultural identity. Meaning… White Identity.

God put Babel asunder. The goal of Satan is to recreate Babel.

A Slow Plunge

May 24, 2024: Victoria Nuland Calls For Serious Escalation With Russia

For the SECOND TIME, Ukraine drones hit a radar of Russia’s nuclear early warning system, and attempted to shoot a THIRD one, with Moscow expecting a fourth radar station to be hit as well. The attack upon a SECOND Over-The-Horizon radar inside Russia is an extremely worrying development because it is clearly being done not for Ukraine defense, but rather as a NATO destabilization of the combat command and control system of Russian strategic nuclear forces.

SECOND Russian Nuclear Missile Warning Radar Hit By Ukraine – Also an attempt to hit a THIRD!

Look, there is absolutely no military value for Ukraine, using NATO weapons, to strike Russia’s over-the-horizon-radar early warning systems. The ONLY ones who benefit is USA/NATO of Gay Globohomo.

Can We Stop With The BS?

The US-led NATO bloc has not only been directly involved in a confrontation with Russia but is now falling into “wartime ecstasy,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said. He was speaking in response to the military bloc’s Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg advocating the removal of restrictions on use of Western weaponry by Ukraine.

NATO is flirting with warlike rhetoric, falling into wartime ecstasy

How deep can USA/NATO of Gay plunge the knife before Russia reacts?

Victoria Nuland Calls For Serious Escalation With Russia

One of Russia’s absolutely key over-the-horizon, nuclear-early-warning radar sites has been hit by drone attack, BLINDING Russia from missiles launched at them from . . .  the Middle East.

Of course, this is being credited to Ukraine, but the radar stations that were hit DO NOT COVER UKRAINE.  Clearly, this hit was concocted by the US/EU and NATO; they are the ONLY entities that benefit from this. (Correction: There is another beneficiary . . .  Israel . . .  can now launch ballistic or nuclear missiles at Iran, and Russia will not be able to warn Iran.)

Russia Early-Warning (Nuclear) Missile Radar ATTACKED

The West continues to escalate its discourse against Russia. Recently, former US Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland stated that Kiev should bomb Russian deep territory with NATO weapons. According to her, Washington should allow Kiev to carry out such attacks with American weapons, which shows the advanced level of bellicosity reached by the backers of the neo-Nazi regime.

As well known, Victoria Nuland is one of the main American public figures behind the Kiev regime. She was one of the leading strategists during the 2014 Maidan coup d’état and the subsequent policy of Nazification and de-Russification of Ukraine. Her recent renunciation from the State Department was seen by experts around the world as a sign of desperation, given the imminent collapse of the Ukrainian army.

It is no surprise that Nuland is making such pronouncements

U.S. Favors More Escalation In Ukraine, Gaza

Strike On Russian Strategic Early Warning Radar Site Is A Big Deal