The objective of USA and NATO of Gay

First, by insisting on treating Ukraine as a de facto almost-NATO-member, which means that by defeating it, Moscow will also defeat Washington’s key alliance. Second, by investing large and growing sums of money and quantities of supplies into this proxy war, which means that the West has weakened itself and, perhaps even more importantly, revealed its own weakness. Third, by trying to ruin both Russia’s economy and its international standing; the failure of both attempts has resulted in a stronger Russia across these two domains and, once again, revealed more limits of Western power. Fourth, by radically subordinating the EU to NATO and Washington, the geopolitical damage has been, as it were, leveraged.

Poke the bear and find out: Here’s why the West should finally listen to Russia’s warnings

Ukraine DOES NOT HAVE the trained manpower to operate the required quantity of military hardware that is needed to fight Russia. NATO can send ALL OF THEIR JETS AND TANKS to Ukraine…here aren’t people to use them. And even if there were, such a large quantity of manpower and hardware will only be successful IF OPERATED WITHIN NATO FRAMEWORK AND DOCTRINE.

What I believe that will happen in the next 45 to 60 days, is, 100%, the collapse of Ukrainian Armed Forces. What is also 100% certain, in my view, is a number of NATO countries will OFFICIALLY ENTER the conflict in Ukraine, during, or right after the Ukrainian army collapses.

What is not certain, is how many NATO troops, how good they are, how equipped they are, and what is their goal. If the United States still believe that Russia can be weakened, those NATO troops will aim, at minimum, to secure Odessa and Kiev, which means that Dniepr river have to be secured, and be the new front line.

OP-ED: Russia-Ukraine trigger point for NATO coming within 45-60 days

Ukraine was defeated withing the first month of Russia’s SMO. It was ready to take Kiev when Ukraine capitulated, Russia withdrew from the outskirts of Kiev, and then Ukraine reneged on Washington or NATO’s order. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians have lost their lives. Tens of thousands are amputations, and hundreds of thousands have been severely wounded. It can not keep going as it has. It is so bad for Ukraine, that roving bands of recruit commissars drive the streets and kidnap Ukrainian men to send to the Front. And often, those recruit commissars meet with resistance.

The USA of Gender Bending will not give up on Russia. It will attempt to Gender Bend Russia no matter what the cost and attempt to rape its vast resources. You have all seen the Gaydom that has infested Europe… USA of Gay did that because Europe is a Vassal since WWII.

I don’t know when it will happen. But USA and NATO of Gay will get directly involved. And despite Zelenskyy’s spasm of directly attacking Russia with drones and missiles at the direction of USA and NATO of Gay… Russia has the upper hand. Russia could level Kiev and NATO Bases within hours. It would be over as fast as it started with devastating effects.

And remember, if NATO gives reason for Russia to hit it… the USA of Gay… is NATO.

Russia has made its objectives clear. In light of USA and NATO of Gay intransigence, Russia will not back down unless its demands are met.

This is the objective of USA and NATO of Gay:

There is a proposal to use NATO air defense systems deployed on the eastern borders of the Alliance to protect the western regions of Ukraine from Russian drones. In particular, Poland and Romania, the proposal says, could do this.


A Shell Game Of Cognitive Dissonance With Your Emotions

America last. America last. That’s all this is. America last, every single day. – Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene

The man who is most responsible for the $95 billion giveaway to Ukraine and Israel, is the same guy who pretends to oppose America’s “wasteful” foreign wars. Donald Trump. It was Trump who consulted with Speaker Mike Johnson about the contents of the Ukraine aid package, just as it was Trump who concocted the idea of issuing loans instead of dispersing the standard welfare handout. It was also Trump who said:

“I stand with the Speaker, (Mike Johnson)” after which he added that Johnson is doing “a very good job.”

Trump Sold-Out His Base to Shovel $95 Billion to Ukraine and Israel

Fear not! Nothing our government can do to us will be any worse under Democrat rule than what we have recently witnessed from the Republicans. It might even help. As the Democrats rule through terrorism and hatred it might inspire some sort of resistance, but if the Republicans remain in charge, there will always be that sense that something better might come of it. It’s too late, they have been complicit in too many bad things, unwilling to do the good and responsible things, allowed all sorts of crimes to be committed under their noses and have not lifted a finger to put a stop to it, nor will they.

Disband the Republican Party

On that day Congress passed legislation to fund two and a half wars, hand what’s left of our privacy over to the CIA and NSA, and give the US president the power to shut down whatever part of the Internet he disagrees with.

Final Nail in America’s Coffin?

I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: I believe that Trumps “legal” problems are nothing more that Kabuki Theater. To work your emotions. How many times can Trump spit in your eye while you continue to Trump swoon? Proclaiming it is all Trump 3D Chess? To make excuses for his actions?

Trump is right about one thing. They really are not after him. They are after you. And Trump is just the conduit.

And you really believe that Trump… is in the way.

They are playing a shell game of cognitive dissonance with your emotions.

Exclusive Photos: Melania Trump Headlines Mar-a-Lago Log Cabin Republicans Fundraiser

Any “Christian” who participates in Red Heifer sacrifice and the rebuilding of a 3rd Temple is participating in a great wickedness and tramples on the Blood and Sacrifice of our Lord and Savior Christ Jesus.

They Do Want War

They’re working on a perfect false-flag.

The West wants war DESPERATELY with Russia. The Polish Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski has come straight out and admitted on Friday, March 8th, that “NATO military personnel are already present in Ukraine.” They can’t wait to draw the first blood. Russia has NEVER had any intention of invading Europe. It has always been the other way around. This entire war was staged from the outset and was intended to force Russia to defend its own people in the Donbas. The West needs this war because the financial system can no longer be sustained. Governments default when they can no longer sell new debt to pay off the old. We are dangerously approaching that, and the war will be the excuse for default, like in World War II.

Poland Confirms Nato Troops are in Ukraine

Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! For you travel across sea and land to make a single proselyte, and when he becomes a proselyte, you make him twice as much a child of hell as yourselves.

Previously, the Minsk agreement, which Merkel signed together with then-French President François Hollande, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin in September 2014, had been portrayed as an effort towards peace that the Russian president had allegedly later thwarted.

Now, Merkel confirms that NATO wanted war from the start but needed time to prepare militarily—an assessment WSWS has long held.

Former German Chancellor Merkel admits the Minsk agreement was merely to buy time for Ukraine’s arms build-up

Time? Time for what?

It astounds me how many times Western Globohomo can spit in the faces of their subjects and get away with it.

And… but of course there are NATO troops in Ukraine. There have been NATO troops in Ukraine since the Euromaiden Coup. They didn’t suddenly all leave when Russia said enough.

Massive Propaganda: Examine this video very carefully.

If you are an emotional type, you will fall for it.

And then we have Michael McFaul , former U.S. Ambassador to Russia, 2012-2014.

Propaganda isn’t hard. Most people are emotional twats. Appeal to their emotions.

Oh Noes

US Army says it will RUN OUT of money to protect Europe and Africa by May if Ukraine aid isn’t approved

But… but… why?

The U.S. military is currently diverting money meant for operations in Europe and Africa to assist Ukraine


I have an idea! Stop diverting money to Ukraine! See? Isn’t that easy?

Meanwhile, in Hungary:

Hungary does not need a lecture from the United States, says Foreign Minister Szijjártó

America… the biggest busy-body in the world.

You can feel it for Hungary too…

So, whatever happened to that serious Russian military threat that has leaders scrambling?

Ah. Right. Putin murdered Navalny in a Russian prison because he was such a threat in a Russian prison who happen to be murdered the same day his wife was to speak…

Yulia Navalnaya, wife of late Russian opposition leader Alexei Navalny, attends the Munich Security Conference in Munich, Germany, on Feb. 16, on the day it was announced that Alexei Navalny had died.

What a coincidence!

Because Putin had everything to gain!

Anyone in the West who believes this utterly insane fantasy needs to consider how desperate the Western powers, who are set to lose so much in Ukraine, are to inflict any kind of damage, at any price, on Russia, there’s a name for this.

Utter Desperation

Ukraine, What is the End-Game? The Privatization of An Entire Country.

The Victoria Nulands and the Ursula Von Der Leyens of this world represent people who refuse to accept that Russia and/or China are not systems, but rather civilizations. They aren’t the current bogeyman ‘ism du jour, like Communism or authoritarianism, they are a people, a culture, an ethnos. The ‘ism is just the thing they’ve adopted now to help them preserve those things inherently Russian or Chinese.

So, logically, none of Russia’s demands are valid

The Vladimir Putin Interview – Part One

The Vladimir Putin Interview – Part Two

How dare Russia not multi-flavor gender-bend! How dare Russia not allow us to corrupt their children and bend to our will! How dare Russia not let us so corrupt their society, their people, so we can walk all over them and rape their resources!

When Putin Spoke

Before I move on: Mikhail Gorbachev never said that!

The fuck he didn’t.

Nevertheless, you accuse the West of not having kept its promises. Are you personally disappointed by friends like Helmut Kohl or George Bush when it comes to their commitment to Russia?

Gorbachev: “I do think that they could have done more. Much of what has since happened has been directly related to the collapse of the Soviet Union. We cannot blame anyone for the dissolution of the Soviet Union. However, many people in the West were secretly rubbing their hands and felt something like a flush of victory – including those who had promised us: ‘We will not move one centimetre further East.

The lies are so prevalent today because they know that the vast majority of Americans are idiots.

And liars.

Moving on…

President Putin was visibly and deeply disappointed and disturbed, when he found out that the September 2014 Minsk Agreement, and the “Second Minsk” in march 2015, both sponsored by France and Germany, under which Ukraine essentially had to disarm, become neutral and de-nazify her society, were never meant to be adhered to.

In December 2022, then Chancellor Angela Merkel told Die Zeit, “The 2014 Minsk agreement was an attempt to give Ukraine time; it [Ukraine] also used this time to become stronger, as you can see today.” This was a Bombshell, not just for Vladimir Putin, for most of the “innocent” – still believing – world.


When President Putin spoke about the western so-called “invasion” of Ukraine on 22 February 2022, he made clear that the war started already in 2014, when on 21 February 2014, almost to the day eight years before, the democratically elected and Russia-friendly President Yanukovich was ousted by a coup and had to flee Ukraine.

NATO Secretary Stoltenberg recently said the same – the war started already in 2014.

Tucker Carlson and Vladimir Putin Interview: What President Putin Really Said

Here is what NATO Secretary Stoltenberg said…

The other thing I will say is that the war didn’t start in February last year. The war started in 2014. And since 2014, NATO Allies have provided support to Ukraine, with training, with equipment, so the Ukrainian Armed Forces were much stronger in 2022, than they were in 2020, and 2014. And of course, that made a huge difference when President Putin decided to attack Ukraine. ~ Feb 14, 2023

The American Coup and Puppet installation.

It is from this aspect that he can run circles around western politicians with short time preferences, who adhere to post modernist and neocon ideologies, along with having trouble remembering if they put on their Depends when they woke up.

The Thing…


Let’s show the American people that the entirety of all Europeon nations combined, including Ukraine, are so lame, so weak, so twinked, so pathetic, and gay, that they can not defend themselves without American money, arms, sweat, blood, body parts, and death?

Russia Is Going To Attack Europe! Update

Tucker interviews Vladimir Putin in Moscow, Russia. February 6th, 2024.

And, ya know… Warsaw 2.0 it.

And mindless American zombies believe it.


Russia is your enemy because USA of Gay, Europe of Gay, NATO of Gay, since the fall of the USSR, has slowly encroached closer to Russia’s border with NATO weapons and troops? And what is it the various Gays of Globohomo keep telling us? Russia is going to invade Europe/NATO if we don’t! Yet here we are today, after all these years of NATO encroachment and still no Russian invasion of Europe. But… but… UKRAINE!

Find a map of Europe 1500, 1600, 1700, 1800, 1900 and through all the changing boundaries of various kingdoms and countries… a country called “Ukraine”.

Here is a map of Europe/Russia 1900 before the Bolshevik Revolution and creation of the USSR.

But… but… Slavs! Slava Ukraini? Uh… it’s not a country. It is an ethnolinguistic grouping of related ethnic groups which speak the various Slavic languages, belonging to the larger Balto-Slavic branch of the Indo-European language family, of which, today, makes up 13 Slavic countries. But… but… Kievan Rus! Late 9th to the mid-13th century. Kievan Rus was never a country called Ukraine.

When Russia tells you it created the countryprovince called Ukraine within the former USSR, they are telling you the truth… no matter how Western Globohomo wants to massage it.

If you want to know the history of the Russian excursion into what is called Ukraine today, just start here:

And think of $5B USD Euromaiden as the confiscation of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet Naval Base in Sevastopol, Crimea.

The same way you would consider the Arab Spring in Syria as the confiscation of Russia’s Mediterranean Naval Base in Tartus Syria.

Think of that little Coup in… Niger? But… but… why says boobus?

And think of the Minsk Agreements with Russia that the former Chancellor of Germany admitted was a ruse to strengthen and NATO’ize Ukraine’s military into a eventual proxy war with Russia.

This is Western Globohomo ultimate desire for Russia:


Spreading Globohomo world-wide…

Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves. ~ Matthew 23:15

Sunak, Scholz, Macron, Norwegen, Finnish, Polish, and other NATO bosses are harping on, “We must be ready for war against Russia.” Even though Russia has many times underscored that conflict with NATO and EU member states was not in the plans, the dangerous babbling is still going on.

But… but… USA! USA! USA!

Russia is our enemy because Western Globohomo WANTS Russia to be our enemy. Because… reasons.

If you tell me that you are coming to my house to rape my grandchildren, then show up on my door-step pounding on my door trying to kick it in to rape my grandchildren… yes, I am going to kill you.

Stupid AmeriKans.

“Joe Biden’s” victory dance in South Carolina — down on the ol’ Democratic Party Plantation, where they grows votes — didn’t last long. By Sunday, a rogue satellite named Tucker Carlson was spotted orbiting over Russia, Russia, Russia, a country you have to say three times so that people get how serious it is. Carlson threatens to actually sit down in the same room with Putin, Putin, Putin — the antithesis of “Joe Biden,” since Putin actually operates as head-of-state — and convey Mr. P’s thoughts and opinions to the citizens of America via the rascally social media platform called “X.”

Party of Mental Illness