We Didn’t know!

Many of us were just living our daily lives without any idea of the World Economic Forum or the World Health Organisation.

We trusted our doctors – l’d had mine for over 25 years, and we knew our government lied at election times, but we voted the best we could based on the B.S. presented to us.

We went about our lives innocently – working, raising kids and babysitting grandkids – and many of us had not one person in our circles to warn us of the dangers.

We didn’t even know that we had to do ‘research’. Unbelievable as that may seem, it’s absolutely true.

So off we went and had the shots.

My anguish at being vaxxed – Page 7

I remember when this first started. The thing that got me the most was its suddenness. Instantaneous doom. Day in and day out doom. 24/7 doom. Like a feral cat stuffed in a bag just ready to be let out to pounce. And it suddenly pounced.

But we were just living our daily lives!

Of course you were.

Hey guys! The sheeple are just living their daily lives. Oblivious. You know that feral cat we have been hiding in a bag? Let’s let it out.

About Event 201, a high-level pandemic exercise on October 18, 2019: Event 201 simulates an outbreak of a novel zoonotic coronavirus transmitted from bats to pigs to people that eventually becomes efficiently transmissible from person to person, leading to a severe pandemic. The pathogen and the disease it causes are modeled largely on SARS, but it is more transmissible in the community setting by people with mild symptoms.

On Dec. 31, 2019, Chinese authorities alerted the World Health Organization of pneumonia cases in Wuhan City, Hubei province, China, with an unknown cause. What started as a mystery disease was first referred to as 2019-nCoV and then named COVID-19.

On January 20, 2020, The National Institutes of Health is working on a vaccine against the new virus that has infected hundreds and killed four in Asia. A team of scientists in Texas, New York and China are also at work on a vaccine, according to Dr. Peter Hotez, a vaccine scientist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. It is “remarkable” that scientists are able to start developing a vaccine for a virus that was identified less than a month ago, he said. He credited Chinese researchers, who quickly sequenced and published the virus’s genome. “With SARS, it took almost a year to be able to identify and map the full genetic code,” he said. “Now we’re doing this in just a few weeks.”

On 22 Jan 2020, A DEADLY new virus which has killed six people in China is one of the “newest and biggest global health threats“, an expert has warned. Scientists are frantically working on a vaccine to stop the spread of Wuhan coronavirus – but say it could be more than a year before it’s available.

On 24 January 2020, He arrived at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport – but not directly from Wuhan – on January 15, the day before screening was in place, and before he developed symptoms. But he reportedly recognized his own symptoms – which typically include *cough, fever and runny nose* – after seeing online coverage of the virus.

Pounce. Read it again and again until it SINKS in.

Some of us argued with others who knew about the dangers, and words and actions hurt both sides. And that is the greatest weapon of the psy-op: it’s actually greater than the vax itself.

Poor things.

We didn’t even know that we had to do ‘research’. Unbelievable as that may seem, it’s absolutely true.

OMG! We… didn’t know!

All News Pipeline, Steve Quayle, Hal Turner, Natural News, Nurse Aesop, Evangelist Franklin Graham… just to name a few of… The Watchers.

OMG! We’re all gonna die! We did the math! Millions! MILLIONS! Lockdown the country! Wear your face diapers! Keep your distance! Listen to Dr. Fauci! Listen to Trump! Buy our Anti-Covid products!

‘It’s Consistent With Scripture’: Franklin Graham Urges Christians to Take the COVID-19 Vaccine.

I have the screen-shots. I have the receipts… tucked away on a USB stick.

Y’all got on board the Covid bandwagon. Doing exactly what they wanted you to do.

Because… your emotions.

Where did I see this before? Right… on the day of Dial Emergency 9-1-1.

But… but… Some of us argued with others who knew about the dangers, and words and actions hurt both sides. And that is the greatest weapon of the psy-op: it’s actually greater than the vax itself.

Yeah. You sure in the fuck did. But you didn’t hurt me. I just thought to myself that you all were stupid and gullible. And all those “Freedom Watchers” and all those “Evangelicals” were laughing and mocking me. Laughing and mocking at us. Telling us that we were full of shit. We didn’t know what we were talking about. Oh, but here you are 4 years later.

You are responsible for your own demise. You are responsible for laughing at us. You are responsible for mocking us. You are responsible for throwing us under the bus and calling us kooks.

But… but… that is the greatest weapon of the psy-op: it’s actually greater than the vax itself.

B.S. Just pure Bull-Shit. The psyop wasn’t on us. The psyop was on you. You let them pull out your eyeball and pump your cranial space full of Covid psyop jizz. Because… your emotions. Because… you got scared.

I thought it was so obvious. By… observation.

But… but… You argued with us!

We TRIED to SAVE you. To open your eyes.

Cry me a river.

Some of us argued with others who knew about the dangers, and words and actions hurt both sides.

Oh boo-hoo! My feelings! My emotions! I am soooo hurt!

Words and actions hurt both sides!


Nice try on trying to dump you feelings and emotions and gullibility and fear… on me. On us.

You made your bed, now sleep in it.

But… but… We didn’t even know that we had to do ‘research’. Unbelievable as that may seem, it’s absolutely true.

We went about our lives innocently.

None of you are innocent now, are you.

You are guilty as hell. Especially those of you who injected your CHILDREN with the Gain of Function DNA Terraform Elixir.

Because… We didn’t know!

Know what I know? When I go about my daily life, seeing Boobus going about their “innocent” lives, that the vast majority of them are Terraformed people. You’re not even human anymore as God created you. You are altered people.

But… but… We didn’t know! We didn’t even know that we had to do ‘research’.

Oh look! The blind leading the blind has remorse! Wanting US to share in their remorse! And of course… responsibility. Because… Some of us argued with others who knew about the dangers, and words and actions hurt both sides.

OMG! Words and actions of… Truth!

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