The Dog Ate It

So I am changing the hydraulic fluid in my 3 ton floor jack. I am now looking for my rubber filler plug. I look up… what the hell is Junior chewing on?


He looks at me.


Should have known better. Every time he gets nosy about my business, something disappears. If I’m missing a tool, I’ll find it laying out in the yard somewhere.

The Sparrow and her babies in the grill of my truck that Junior alerted to me about 6-8 weeks ago, they finally flew the grill 2 days ago. So I cleaned out the nest. There’s Junior watching me. The nest falls on the ground… and he is going to EAT it. Had to pry it out of his mouth.

And… since Junior ate my jack filler plug, I can’t replace my transmission solenoid pack until I get the new ones next week.

He has a real hard-on for my socks. If I take them off and just temporarily lay them on the floor or bed… he’ll pounce and take off. I have to dog whisper him just get them back.

Everything is a game with him.

Yet, I’ll be outside at night, just soaking in the stars and the silence… and there he is, sitting at my side, all calm and content. You can see his dog radar checking out whatever noises dogs hear out in the distance somewhere out in the desert with that split second perk.

One thought on “The Dog Ate It

  1. We had a dog when I was a kid that would eat rocks. We named him Rocko. 😂

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