Good And Hard

On the other hand, note the equally hysteric community that follows the Orange Man around with a doggy devotion that’s very much like the way the people who wore “masks” followed “the science,” as conveyed to them by men such as Anthony Fauci. The “mask” wearers were immune to facts because they very much wanted to believe – just as the followers of Trump also very much want to believe. Even in the face of what they ought to be able to see – if they would only open their eyes.

Another IQ Test

But… but… they gave him false information! They mislead him! How was he suppose to know.

Gosh, I don’t know. How is it a minority of us were fed a daily 24/7 dose of Covid fear and walked away unscathed from all the propaganda to get… vaxxed with the Trump Operation Warp Speed?

But… but… it’ll be different this time!

I’m actually looking forward to the Trump becoming president again, just to watch him whisper more bombastic sweet nothings in your ears… while you give him more excuses.


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